domingo, 21 de junio de 2015

The Eviroment

My favourite TV programme

I sometimes watch TV on schooldays but most interesting programmes start late. There are lots of reality shows but I prefer drama series.

My favourite TV programme its "castle". It's a series about a writer and a police inspector that solve crimes in differents situations.

My favourite character is Kate. She's the police inspector, she's intelligent and quick. Castle is the writer. He's funny and he's also intelligent.

I like "castle" because it's interesting and there are a lot of different stories and it's never boring

My Story

When I was 4, a night I was sleeping , when I opened my eyes I wasn't in my bed, i was on my desk but i was very very small! A teddy bear said that a witch changed me into a small dwarf. the teddy bear also said that to return to my normal size I had to defeat the witch.

The teddy bear whistled and and unicorn appeared. We went to the country of the witch and when we arrived an ogre appeared. he cought my friend and he dissappeard. Two pink fairies helped me to find the witch.

I defeated the witch and the teddy bear became a prince and i danced with him. At this moment i heard my mum's voice and i was only dreaming!

Family History Project

I'm going to talk about my father , Jose . He was born on the 14th may 1970, in Malaga. His parents are called Mari and Pepe, he has one brother called Juanlu who was born in 1978. He went to "San Vicente de Paul" school in Cruz de Humilladero. He married my mother , Rosi, in 1996 and in 2001 had his first baby, me . In 2004 and 2006 he had his 2 other babies , my brothers.

After high school he studied architecture for 5 years. He worked in Gesmacon and in other companies. Now, he's working in KEDEKE Sports a sports shop for city clubs.

I have my father 's eyes. We have the same personality and we also like the same series